Programming I
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Georgia Gwinnett College

The School of Science and Technology

Intermediate Programming

ITEC 2150

Spring 2008



 Dr. Anatoly Kurkovsky

Classes: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 11:30-12:45 at ……

Ofice Availability: Mutually agreed time between professor and student by appointment at C-2153

Telephone: 678 407 5732


 Catalog Course Description:

Prerequisite: ITEC 2120.

More advanced programming concepts, principles, and skills.

 Course Goals: 

 Upon a successful completion of this course the students will:

bulletUnderstand structured and object-oriented programming concepts
bulletUnderstand and use the main structured programming techniques of an object-oriented language, such as C++
bulletUnderstand and use simple and user defined data types
bulletUnderstand and use Input/Output procedures and control structures
bulletUnderstand and use built-in and user defined functions
bulletUnderstand arrays and string structures
bulletPrepare, test, and execute C++ programs within the course scope

 Textbook and references:

 Required textbook:

bulletC++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design by D.S. Malik. Course technology. 2007. ISBN 13: 978-1-4188-3639-9

 Optional textbooks:

bulletLab Manual: C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design by Judy Scholl. 2007. ISBN 13: 978-1-4188-3700-6

 Grading policy:

 Your performance in this course will be measured by three written tests (50%), several assignments (30%), and your class participation (20%). Questions on the tests may include the following:

bulletmultiple choice answer selection,
bullettrue-false answer selection.

 The types of assignments may include:

bulletsmall in-class student programming projects,
bullettake-home programming assignments.

You will receive a grade of 0 for assignments submitted after the deadline. When you submit your assignment: include your class, name, assignment number and appropriate file names.

 Evaluation of your class participation will include:

bulletunderstanding of the course material,
bulletresponsibility to answer the professor’s questions.

 The final grade will be derived from your performance on the tests, assignments and class participation as follows:


A: 90-100


B: 80-89


C: 70-79


D: 60-69


F: below 60

 Tentative Schedule:

(These dates could be changed depending upon the pace of the course.)




Lecture Topic

Student Projects & Labs




Jan 7


Structured and object-oriented programming concepts. Microsoft Visual environment.





Jan 14


Basic elements of C++. Simple data types.





Jan 21


Basic elements of C++. Arithmetic operators and assignment statement.

“Mike Change”

Assign. 1



Jan 28



“Movie Tickets”




Feb 4


Selection control structures. Relational and logical operators.



Test 1


Feb 11


Selection control structures. Evaluation of logical (Boolean) expressions.

“Cable Company Billing”

Assign. 2



Feb 18


Repetition (looping) control structures. Count, sentinel, and EOF controlled techniques.





Feb 25


Repetition (looping) control structures. While, for, and do … while statements.





Mar 3


User-defined functions I. Value returning functions with actual and formal parameters.


Assign. 3



Mar 10


Spring Break – No Classes





Mar 17


User-defined function II. The difference between value and reference parameters.

“Largest Number”


Test 2


Mar 24


User-defined functions II. Scope of identifiers. Local and global identifiers.





Mar 31


User-defined simple data types, namespaces, and the string type.

“Pig Latin Strings”




Apr 7


Arrays and strings. One and two dimensional arrays.


Assign. 4



Apr 14


Records (structs). Data manipulation using a structs.





Apr 21


Discussion and exercises. Preparation for exam.





Apr 28


Apr 28 is the last Day of Classes before Final Exams





Apr 30

May 6


Final Examinations



Test 3


May 9


Grades Due




 Final Exam date:

 May 5th, 2008.

 Student Policy Statement:

 Students are expected to abide by all policies in the catalog of Georgia Gwinnett College and School of Science and Technology as well as all policies posted on the official web site of Georgia Gwinnett College.

 College Policies:

 Regent’s policy statement

 The University System of Georgia requires that all students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs in University System institutions (including Georgia Gwinnett College) successfully complete all parts of a competency examination in reading and English composition.  This competency examination is commonly called "the Regents' Test", and it is free of charge.  A student has two attempts to pass this test before accumulating 45 hours of collegiate credit.  Please sign up for the Regents' Test when you enroll in English 1102.  Do this in time to have two attempts before accumulating 45 credit hours.

 Americans with disabilities act statement

 If you are a student who is disabled as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act and require assistance or support services, please seek assistance through the Center for Disability Services.  A CDS Counselor will coordinate those services.

 Equal opportunity statement

No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, creed, national origin, age or disability, be excluded from employment or participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by Georgia Gwinnett College.

 Affirmative action statement

Georgia Gwinnett College adheres to affirmative action policies designed to promote diversity and equal opportunity for all faculty and students.

 Academic respect

 The college exists to foster educational excellence.  To this end, a classroom atmosphere that supports learning must be maintained.  Students are expected to be active, attentive participants in the class.  Students are also expected to abide by class policies and procedures and to treat faculty and other students in a professional, respectful manner.  Students are expected to be familiar with the student conduct code published in the Student Handbook.

 Academic integrity

 All portions of any test, project or final exam submitted by you for a grade must be your own work.  Cheating includes any attempt to defraud, deceive or mislead the instructor in arriving at an honest grade assessment.  Plagiarism is a form of cheating that involves presenting as one's own, ideas or work of another.  Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy will result in a grade of "0" for that test, project or exam.  The second offense will result in assignment of a grade of "F" for the course and a formal charge of Academic Dishonesty will be lodged with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.  Policies have been established by Georgia Gwinnett College to insure due process in charges of cheating or plagiarism. A copy of these procedures can be found in the GGC Student Handbook.

 School of Science and Technology Policies:

 Absence/Make-up Policy

 You are expected to attend each class meeting.  Attendance may be taken by various methods that could include clicker or written quizzes in the first 5 minutes of class, or sign in sheets. This information will be taken into account at the end of the semester when grades are calculated, if you are on the borderline.

 Special arrangements to take a regular exam early must be made in advance and in writing, if a pressing obligation prevents you from taking an exam.

 Students must notify Professor THE DAY of the exam if an emergency arises and they miss the exam. Notification may be by email, text or phone message is acceptable. A makeup will be scheduled within two days of the original exam. Makeup exams may not be the same format as the regular exam. Other formats include essay or oral exams to a faculty panel. A valid written excuse for missing the regular exam is required. (Police report, ER forms, doctor's note, etc.)

 Instructor/Course Policies:

 Drop for non-attendance

 Students who never attend a class by the end of the first two weeks of the term will be reported for non-attendance. Students who do not drop a class during the schedule adjustment period and are reported for non-attendance will be automatically dropped from that course.

 Course Absence

You will not get a good grade in the course without an excellent attendance. If you miss a class, you are responsible for all lecture notes, slides, assignments, and other.  All students are allowed 3 absences from class in the semester with no penalty for crisis or non-crisis reasons. Students who miss four or five class sessions will be subject to a substantial grade deduction of 5 points.  After six absences, it is recommended that you drop the course.

Course changes

This course syllabus provides a general plan for the course. The professor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus, including changes to assignments, projects, examinations, etc., in order to accommodate the needs of the class as a whole and fulfill the goals of the course.  

 Some common sense notices


Please do not be late for classes,


Please do not wear hats in the classroom,


Please turn off all cell phones, beepers, pagers, buzzers, and other noisy electronic devices during class time,


Please do not bring children, parents, friends, etc. into the class,


Please show common courtesy to your fellow classmates and professor.


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This Web site is © 2003 - 2012 by Anatoly Kurkovsky

Last updated: June 01, 2012