Diffusion Models
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Gaussian Diffusion Models and Their Implementation using EPA's Recommended Software

Technical Report # USP-MPCS-490-03-01. Student: Joseph Jerolimo, BS Environmental Science, 4th year undergraduate. Course: CS 490 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Environmental Policy Modeling & Simulation – Air Quality Models). Spring 2003.

There exist a number of models and algorithms, which were developed to model air pollution concentration. Gaussian diffusion models, the most widely used technique for modeling non-reactive pollutants. Real calculations based on number of variables such as chemical transformations, atmospheric deposition, and a number of source parameters such as area, point, line, plume, puff, and meteorological parameters, turbulence, mixing height, and building downwash. In this project the student analyzed some air quality models recommended by US EPA and explored actual calculations of air pollutions using special US EPA software.
The goals of the project were: a) to explore the US EPA’s recommended air quality models; b) to compare the set of specific parameters needed by each model and analyze the models applicability for specific examples; c) to analyze the models and using one specific model, SCREEN3, obtain result for real examples.

Pages 16, Figures 7, References 8

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